Leonardo Renda Amaral is a Letras (Languages and Literature) graduate with an emphasis on Literary criticism at the UFPE (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco). He also has an M.A. degree from the same University, by which he studied the poetry of the Brazilian poet Carlos Drummond de Andrade. His main interest in studying literature has to do with the relationships established between artistic (especially literary) expression and culture, politics, society and history. Latino American literature in general and the literature of the lusophonous world - because situated, or somewhat related to the problematic societies of the Luso and Hispano world - are the corpora with which he aims to establish the links between artistic expression and the world enveloping it. How can literature resist or not (or help readers resist or not) to certain aspects of society and culture, what role does it play in actual politics, what is its historical and cultural scenario and how it is somehow shaped by this scenario, to him these are the kind of questions that makes sense to ask in a world where everything is not ok.

Leonardo Renda Amaral
Doctoral Student, Portuguese